The benefits of Evidence Based Veterinary Medicine (EBVM) are undeniable, with growth in this area expected to impact on all aspects of veterinary practice. Increasing clinical standards, an expanding range of clinical interventions and the need for a sound evidence base to underpin practice has led AT Veterinary Systems - in conjunction with its clinical and education partners - to develop VIPER.
VIPER brings effective case recording and management to AT’s list of solutions, with an inbuilt clinical coding system providing the gateway to EBVM.
Clinical Cases:
- Create cases and attach all relevant information such as, lab reports, clinical notes, appointments, inpatient care, diagrams, vital signs, etc. (automatic prompting facility can be enabled).
- Each case receives a unique case number, with a linked item icon displayed in clinical notes.
- Record an unlimited number of presenting signs, protocols, presumptive diagnoses and final diagnoses.
- Set review dates for each case, with an active grading showing the latest patient and condition severity along with who graded the case and when.

Case Management - The VIPER Administration Window:
- A pop-up box prompts the user to search for recent cases, with the surgeon’s own cases displayed automatically.
- Sort and filter cases according to the primary clinician, secondary clinician, surgery, open/closed, species, review date and more.
- Cases can have a priority level set, allowing sorting and examination of high profile cases first.

Clinical Coding:
- VIPER uses its own coding system which maps across to VeNOM codes where available to avoid replication.
- It is a multispecies clinical coding system and allows the user to suggest new entries to the VIPER database.
- If the presenting signs, protocols, diagnosis or outcomes are not in the available database, simply suggest your own and they will be reviewed by the VIPER admin team.
- Update your database automatically or manually, with the VIPER admin window showing details of all transmitted codes.

Grading Schemes:
- The VIPER database contains additional grading scheme information for both condition and patient severity at initial, active and final stages of a case.
- Create custom grading schemes – this allows experts to design their own custom scales for each condition.
- Practices wishing to record additional graded data can add custom fields.
- An unlimited number cases can also be linked together as secondary conditions.
To provide clinical and educational expertise, AT Veterinary Systems has partnered with Central College of Animal Studies, Stowe Veterinary Group and NVRS Veterinary Referrals.