Good internal communication is the cornerstone of a successful practice. In 1995, AT Veterinary Systems pioneered ‘the callback’, a feature that remains a favourite among many of our clients today. AT’s sustained innovation in the field has led to Spectrum’s robust messaging and communications services.
Callbacks and Instant Messaging
Callbacks provide an efficient system for messaging staff. A callback summary can be configured to open automatically when staff members log in, providing an instant overview of practice-wide, employee-group and personal messages.
Callbacks and their associated replies can be sent to individual or groups of staff, with links to client records and clinical notes.
The sender can assign the callback to be completed by an individual staff member or a group of staff. Once the assigned staff members have completed the callback, it is removed from view.
Callbacks automatically integrate with email, allowing them to be forwarded to anyone.
Instant Messaging delivers important messages instantly, to terminals, users or groups and provides a useful alternative to callbacks.

Email and SMS
Email functionality is incorporated into Spectrum features. This allows lab reports, clinical notes, invoices, financial reports, rotas, waiting lists, DICOM studies, insurance claims, and more to be attached and emailed directly from the software.
Complete animal or client notes can be emailed, with options to exclude financial information, student notes, private notes, and more.
The SMS messaging facility allows quick messaging between staff, from any terminal.