Distributed Database System Cluster Technology enables secure real-time data exchange. Spectrum DDS utilises protocols and techniques found in large, high performance, continuous operation data systems. The underlying structure brings new levels of computing performance and reliability to the veterinary profession.
At the core of the system is a series of nodes, or data re-distribution points, created throughout your practice. These nodes work together as an integrated system but retain complete autonomy. This means your databases remain live, but in the case of poor internet connection, hardware failure, branch power outage or other catastrophe, each node will continue to function normally. Data transactions will resume when the line is restored. Spectrum DDS makes internet connection and reliability issues a thing of the past as it does not need to rely on cloud computing, central databases or data replication systems.
DDS enables your entire practice database to run from each and every node on the system. Each node operates independently and updates the database in real time. If a single node goes offline, all systems continue running and data is updated when the node comes back online. This creates the perfect system for running reliable multi-site practices and mobile solutions.
In a traditional cloud based or server based system, when one aspect of the system malfunctions (internet access, server failure, fire damage) the entire network grinds to a halt. Worse still, data loss can cause massive disruption to your business. DDS overcomes this, by using cluster technology that means when one node fails, the others continue running. This prevents downtime and unnecessary support costs. With DDS, all databases are maintained locally at each node and are updated in real time, preventing any data loss in the event of disaster.