Electronic Communications Manager (ECM) offers a complete solution to increase practice growth, reduce spending on posted material and save time spent manually contacting clients.
ECM is a communications service that uses automated or manual messaging to contact your clients. Invoice driven recalls can be sent by SMS or email, according to client preferences. Messages and emails can be scheduled ahead of time or sent on the spot.
Custom templates containing your messages can be created and saved, for frequent use. Different templates can be applied to different reminder codes, for targeted specific messaging of your clients.
Spectrum's CPLX search can be used to produce custom messaging lists based on reminder codes, species, last-seen date and more. ECM will then contact all of the clients by email or SMS with your practice's message. A reduced mailing list of those without mobile numbers or email addresses on record will be left and exported to csv file.
ECM utilises information about a client’s preferred method of communication, allowing the user to select which form of communication is most appropriate. The user can also choose whether to send a reminder to single or multiple contacts. Client preferences can be overruled if necessary.
ECM has many beneficial configurations. Sent messages can be written to notes, staff can manually disable messaging to selected animals, clients or groups of clients, and a deceased/moved/transferred checker with an automated disabling feature can be applied. ECM’s integrated cancellation feature avoids unnecessary and nuisance message to clients.
ECM reminders can be grouped, with custom messages for each category. A statistics section gives an overview of your current strategy, with a calendar showing all current reminders.

External Communications
Spectrum enables effective communication with clients and external contacts through email, SMS, VOIP and printed media.
Client records can hold two email addresses each and a warning prompt is displayed when a client is created without one.
Clinical notes, attachments, lab reports and more can be sent to any customer or external email, directly from client records.
Referral practices can also be emailed directly from client records. Default ‘from’ email addresses can be configured and email signatures added.
The SMS facility, accessed straight from client records, provides a quick and inexpensive way to communicate with your clients.
Custom practice forms and letters can be saved as templates, edited in client records and sent by post or email. A record of the document will be maintained in client records for future checks.
AT also offers a management consultancy service, whereby specific communication campaigns can be designed and delivered by our specialist consultants.