Invoicing allows fast, flexible billing across all branch, retail and mobile locations. Spectrum offers both graphical and text based options, ensuring ease of use and accommodating all user-preferences.
For quick reference to billing history, invoices are linked to client and animal records. Multiple billing addresses and invoicing dates are supported for greater flexibility and accuracy. A prompt system is used to indicate changes in billing address or invoicing dates for each client.
Settings can be configured to allow staff to discount specific products and services, update stock inventory, prescribe medication and apply credit limit support. These features are accessible from the invoicing window.
Features such as clinical note quick glance, stock quantity notification, pre-invoice verification and deceased animal warnings help to maintain good client relations and accurate billing.
Invoicing offers an overview of stock records, allowing staff to identify the quantity and location of products and invoice clients accordingly. The facility to create multiple accounting and product groups ensures stock lists are kept up-to-date, staff can pre-empt orders and stock can be transferred between locations, where necessary.
Spectrum’s capacity to provide a simple yet thorough overview of stock can make the difference between secured revenue and wasted opportunity.
Sales Order Processing offers greater versatility for your practice. Provisional invoices can be generated to maintain a record of products or services sold without immediate payment. Invoices can be created by all members of staff and easily amended later, prior to final submission. Active sales orders can be managed efficiently whilst a prompt system ensures open sales orders are imported, alerting staff to activity on client accounts and limiting loss of revenue.
The ability to sell the same stock item in different quantities results in less waste. Shared holdings provide this advantage. For example, a 100ml bottle of solution could be sold in 1ml, 10ml and 100ml quantities, whilst being destocked from the same stock holding.

Nowadays, customers prefer both physical and digital receipts. Spectrum allows backdated prescriptions, client purchase reports and enrolled Practice Health Plans to be emailed and/or printed from invoicing.
Label printing is a prerequisite for prescribing practices. Spectrum’s invoicing feature offers customised formatting and entry fields for rapid prescription printing. Default dosages are stored while specific line items are printable with a single keystroke. Automated prescription forms and labels can be printed when a prescription is added to an invoice.
Difficult clients exist in every industry; leaving unpaid bills and causing problems for staff. It can be tough for practice staff to know the best course of action when presented with a customer who puts them under pressure. Spectrum has a number of financial parameters, tags and facilities to help your staff navigate these challenging situations.
Customers’ outstanding balances are shown in the invoicing screen, however Aged debt reports can be generated, giving a useful view of past performance. Aged debt reports give a quick graphing facility showing a client’s sales and payment history. Customer accounts can be put on ‘hold’ if there are any outstanding payments or issues with the account. A pop up window will appear each time the account is opened, indicating a lack of payment. If a customer accumulates a number of outstanding payments, their account can be ‘stopped’, preventing any future transactions unless overridden by a manager.

Job numbers can be added to invoices or statements and payment periods can be altered. Invoice or statement numbers are searchable, providing a simplified process when postal payments are received. Invoices can be emailed and printed directly from the invoice window, with a variety of types supported:
- Single invoice
- Mini statement
- Full statement
- Customer statement
- Combined invoice/statement
- Summary invoice
- Postscript invoice
- Itemised invoice
- Insurance claim invoice