Spectrum’s Practice Health Plans (PHP) feature allows you to create bespoke product and service packages for your clients, helping you provide unique value, which in turn boosts revenues and increases competitiveness.
Standardised plans include puppy programmes, worming/flea packages and vaccination sets and are available for all clients. The administrator can also generate individual client plans at will.
Each plan has a customisable quota of available goods and services, together with a payment schedule and stock item/s assigned to it.
Plans can be created for any period of cover, between any dates. Payments can be set up manually or automatically, with equal monthly instalments and with an initial fee if required.
Plans can be added to the client or animal record, and edited at any time.

PHP makes plan management simple, with three key tabs:
- Current plans – view all sold plans, with a visual display of ‘cancelled’, ‘expired’, ‘renewed’ and ‘ending soon’ plans, together with a graphical display of plan allowances and progress
- Plan payments – control payments and flag any discrepancies
- Plan admin – view and create your custom plans
For complete peace of mind, AT offers a servicing facility, to eliminate the administration time associated with collecting payments. Plans can be synched at a set interval, or at any point throughout the month. AT Veterinary Systems will then process all direct debit payments and return the proceeds to you.
Any queries and payment discrepancies are highlighted, with clear notification from AT Veterinary Systems.