VetStation Pro
The VetStation Pro is built on an upgraded Mac desktop, with enough power to bring you DICOM images anywhere in your practice.
As with all AT hardware the VetStation Pro is ‘locked down’ according to your user preferences, giving full processing power. Combine this with IRIS, and you have a robust integrated Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). Studies are saved directly to patient records with DDS ensuring practice-wide availability (including branch surgeries). Complete management software comes pre-loaded onto the VetStation Pro, with 24 hour support provided as standard. Windsows/MAC VetStations and VetStation Pros provide high performance integrated terminals, with low management costs and future proofed hardware.

VetStation Pro Features:
- Managed Internet - Sentinel Security
- Networked Cameras
- Printer Management
- Microsoft Office Integration
- Vet Community & News
- Rota Manager
- Personnel Manager