DDS is an enabling technology, which allows your entire client database/practice management system to run from each and every node on the system. A node operates independently and updates the database in real time. If a single node goes offline all systems continue running and data is updated when the node comes back online. This creates the perfect system for running reliable multi site practices and mobile solutions.

Enhanced Speed
DDS optimises data transfer between nodes, meaning large data sets can quickly be sent to branches and mobile locations. The database structure also ensures server load is reduced, giving lightening quick speeds of live updates.

Reduced Management Load
Management load is significantly reduced with the latest DDS cluster technology, as large system changes (eg stock group pricing) can be done from one site with a single login. Changes are then rapdily updated throughout all branches/nodes.
In a traditional cloud based or server based system, when one aspect of the system malfunctions (internet access, server failure, fire damage) the entire network grinds to a halt. DDS overcomes this, by using cluster technology that means every access point on the network acts as it’s own node. When one node fails, the others continue running, preventing down time and unnecessary support costs. An added benefit is that all databases are stored locally at each node and are updated in real time, minimising any data loss in the event of disaster.

DDS provides a scalable platform for Device-2-Device communication, meaning plug-and-play functionality is available for your expanding business.